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The Magnetic Woman







I offer this program once a year.


Sign up to my mailing list for updates

5 Months deep Embodied Immersion


For every Woman ready to reclaim her Magnetic Presence and

live the life she desires with Pleasure, Confidence and Abundance


Reclaim your Pleasure, own your power!


The magnetic woman, deeply know who she is,

what she wants and how to get it


She is deeply connected to her body, to her pleasure,

to her erotic essence and desires.

She is unleashed in her sexuality.

She knows how to attract what she wants in life from Pleasure.

She embodies the Art of abundance & freedom

She knows her power, she's highly connected to her intuition and knows the depths of her Soul

She is fully taking responsibilities, to radically love herself &

design the life she's always dreamt of.


She is within you,

Are you ready to connect with her?



Is this you ?



  • Feeling disconnected from your pleasure

  • Feeling disconnected from your feminine power, going through patterns of collapse/victim or control/ exhaustion

  • Ready to unleash your sexuality  but you don't know where to start and are not feeling safe in the 'tantric community'

  • Keep attracting the same patterns in relationships or attracting unavailable partners

  • Been pushed down in your self expression as a child and keep sabotaging yourself when she tries to rise up.

  • Going through patterns of lack, in love, sexuality and finances

  • Moving through self doubt and cycles of unworthiness

  • Always putting others first, a people pleaser

  • Comparing yourself to others and not feeling good enough

  • You are not feeling good / beautiful/ sexy enough to have a relationship or to be successful

  • Going through cycles of feeling stuck

  • You feel that others might have something, you don't have, that's why they can get what they desire, but you can't, as you are missing something​​

Awww... I know this very well!

This is my story, a story that has been a very painful yet empowering to move through.


That's why I have created a mapping for you to dismantle this,

to move from your self-sabotage and old patterns and fully choose yourself.

How would your life be different  if you were
to fully unleash your feminine power?



What you embody you magnetise



What if


 You were able to connect to your pleasure every time you want, even and especially in hard times?

If you were feeling so comfortable in your body, to welcome the intimacy

career & relationships you've always desired deep within?


Imagine feeling so worthy worthy abundant and joyful  in all areas of your life

Imagine feeling empowered in your erotic expression,

Imagine attracting the perfect relationship or being able to thrive your current one.

Imagine how, learning the Art of your Magnetic presence can give you the confidence to begin living your dreams,

your dreams, being successful with the work you love,

expanding your creativity and feeling life flowing at you with ease..


There is no age, shape or race that can define your sexyness,

we all have a powerful body that can open up to experience

the most EPIC pleasure & abundance.





Attracted partners that fully meets them in their full radiance and needs

Awakened their sexual nature, feeling confident and sexy in their body

Healed from past trauma, conditionings and beliefs that kept them from putting themselves out there

Reclaimed their body and their erotic feminine power

Reconnected to their creative expression and empowered in offering their

gifts into the world

and this time we are going so much deeper

Hi, I'm Isabel

I am a lover of pleasure, beauty and women stepping into their power.

I love guiding women blossoming into their feminine power and to fully thrive

in all areas of their life, with pleasure & abundance 


I naturally give Permission for 'women to embody pleasure', 

and I love creating really safe containers for women to open up

to their most delicious selves and live a turned-on life



I stepped fully into this path during the biggest grief of my life.

I've learned on my body how to embrace pleasure when everything falls apart.

It's an ART to love ourselves not only when the external world makes us happy



When in my life I was disconnected from deep embodied pleasure

something was missing.

I was feeling depressed, not good enough, at times hopeless and lonely.

My journey in this path has been big, a massive exploration

that lead me to know who I truly am, my potential and my mission.

I moved from


  • Attracting unavailable partners to a healthy relationship.

  • Numbness to aliveness

  • Feeling lost in my life, to living my purpose

  • Lack of sex in my relationship to thrive back in eroticism

  • Eating disorders to deeply loving food and & my body

  • Feeling shame about feeling good and sexy in my body, (habitual pattern of shrinking) to walk unapologetically in my essence

  • Unworthy to confident, putting myself out there and create abundance with ease, pleasure and alignment 

  • Survival to confidence and abundance


when I said  YES  to pleasure


I will teach you all my secrets 
everything I wish I knew back then!




We will dive into a deep transformational journey, mindset work, psychosomatic and tantric practices to deeply embody the Magnetic Woman within you,

the one that can create a turned on life.


one of my superpowers is to help you shift old conditionings

until you shed all the unworthiness that is holding you back from attracting everything you desire.







Are you ready to have it all?








What's included

10x THEMED MODULES (Released every second week)


  • THE MAGNETIC WOMAN WITHIN – Reawaken your feminine power 

  • THE POWER OF LOVE – Healing and opening the heart

  • JOURNEY TO PLEASURE – Embody your erotic life force

  • HER POWER - The mysteries of your yoni as your power

  • TRAUMA HEALING – Self healing and dearmouring

  • THE ART OF SHADOW - Reprogram the unworthiness from the core

  • EMOTIONAL EMPOWERMENT - Reclaim your emotions with sovereignty 

  • WOMB AWAKENING - Own your power centre

  • ORGASMIC EXPANSION - Awaken you multi orgasmic body and life

  • THE EROS OF MANIFESTATION – Manifest everything you deeply desire

  • TURNED ON - Live the life of your deepest desires



10x LIVE TRANSMISSION CALLS - To deepen the process + group processing +  Q&A 


RECORDED PRACTICES & MEDITATIONS to integrate the modules into your daily life







All the calls will be recorded if you can't attend live.

All the content will be available to you for 3 extra months after the end of the course​


A special gift for you

Daniela from @aiyana.store_has made a unique combination for the beautiful students of The Magnetic Woman.

This combination is to celebrate the connection to self pleasure and feeling magnetic within.
Daniela has merged both Aiyana elixirs “radiance” and “passion” into one so you get a double dose of your radiant spark coming through and supporting you on your journey with Isabel.

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Standard $1,797 USD




3 months payment - $607

6 months payment - $307


VIP $3,297 USD

available by application only

This includes 5 private coaching sessions and unlimited Voxer support 

limited  VIP spots available APPLY HERE


Are you ready to have it all?

5 Months to embody the Magnetic Woman within you
awaken your erotic feminine power
and live the life you desire 

What women have experienced

Working with Isabel and getting into my magnetic sensual connection with myself has made

an incredible impact on how I create my own fulfilment daily. 

Isabel creates such a safe space to explore the layers of intimacy and pleasure within,

clearing blocks that I didn’t even know were there. 

The magnetic woman is a beautiful course that has allowed me to expand into new concepts of self connection, flow and trust and I have a thirst to be my most multi-orgasmic pleasure self for soley me,

and embrace that for my experiences on my path!


This learning is so fun for me, as I’m passionate about being in unity with myself

and this education is juicy icing on the cake!


Watch my interview with Suebee a student of The Magnetic Woman 2021.

She shares her amazing transformational journey through the course


Is this a live training?​


You will be receiving a pre-recorded module every second week, and have a weekly live calls.

The live calls will be recorded if you can't make it on the day.

How long is the course available for 


The immersion will be available for 3 months after the end of the program

Do you offer refunds?


There are no refunds for this program

I really want to do it but I can't afford it


Sometimes we feel it's never the right time to invest in ourselves. If you are here looking at this page it's because there's a part of you that feels ready.

I know how scary it can be to commit to ourselves to that level, I have been there many times, and every time I said yes to myself those experiences have totally changed my life.


If that can support you I am offering up to 6 months payment plans. 

I just invite you to sit with it, you are so worthy!

I have empowered many women around finances, feel free to reach out for a 20min consultation.


Are you offering this program again


Yes, but not until next year, which probably will be in a different format and price.

For any questions or further information contact me here

Thank you, I'll get back to you soon!

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